Game Objectives and Game Set-up
Object of the Game
When the first player reaches 121 points and the other player(s) have 90 points or less then the winner has ‘skunked’ his opponents.
When the other players have 60 points or less then it is considered a ‘double-skunk’.
Number of Players

Card Rank and Value

Setting Up Play
Each player, or team, selects a track on the cribbage board.The deal is established by cutting the cards. Low card deals. If playing partners, the players who cut the lowest two cards are partners, and the lowest card deals. The person who cut the highest card will sit to the right of the dealer. In case of a tie, the tied players will re-cut the deck determining the order within the tie, i.e. the player(s) not involved in the tie will remain in their original position in the cut. In subsequent games, the dealer is the player who scores the winning point. Shuffle the cards and allow the player to the right to an opportunity to cut the cards. Note - this is different than cribbage because BFC uses all the cards in the deck and the cutting the deck is used to prevent a player from seeing the card on the bottom of the draw pile, which could give them an unfair advantage.Deal five cards faces down to each player. The players are not permitted to look at the cards. The players have a right to arrange the cards in any pattern the wish, but all the cards must be fully visible. The dealer then places a set number of cards face down in the crib depending on the number of players set out in the table on the right.One card is put face up in the center of the table beginning the line. Unused cards are placed next to the line becoming the draw pile. Throughout play the line will have cards put on it. The first card played is termed as the ‘beginning’ of the line, and the last card termed as the ‘end’ of the line.
Crib Cards

Example - 3 Player Deal